Be safe! Driving with a damaged windshield is illegal in California, Reports A Paso Robles Windshield Repair Company

–If driving with a damaged windshield is illegal in California, why are there so many vehicles on the road with cracked and chipped windshields? “Those drivers are on borrowed time before getting a ticket or the windshield gets worse,” said Teresa O’Mara, the owner of a Paso Robles windshield repair service. Section 26710 of the California Vehicle Code states that it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle when the windshield or rear window is in such defective condition as to impair the drivers vision to the front or rear. “Even though you can see around a crack or a...

San Luis Obispo Windshield Repair Company Explains What you need to know about windshield repair

–The first reaction is to “keep an eye on it” when a vehicle windshield or other window gets a small chip or crack, waiting for the first sign of the damage spreading before getting it fixed. The experts from Cal State Auto and Truck Glass, the San Luis Obispo windshield repair company, say the damage can get worse in a split second and waiting can be more expensive, even dangerous. Usually, small chips can be repaired and add years of life to a windshield. Most vehicle insurance policies will cover repairs and replacements. Some guidelines for deciding to repair or...